Elizabeth Way & Company Funeral Direcors
'Our Family Caring For Yours'
Reuben's Retreat
Elizabeth Way Funeral Service are very proud to support Reuben's Retreat a charity which isvery close to our hearts

In August 2012, the Graham family’s world fell apart when their son Reuben lost his short but courageous fight for life aged 23 months to a rare and aggressive brain tumour. Not knowing the devastation going on in his little head, they’d set off from near Manchester on their summer holiday to Devon as a family of 4, yet just 3 returned home, their world shattered. Reuben’s Mummy founded “Reuben’s Retreat” (registered charity no. 1150436) shortly after with the aim of helping other families facing heart-break, supporting children who are unlikely to reach adulthood and their loved ones, as well as parents and siblings following the death of a child.
Their goal is to create a sanctuary that will be a home-from-home for families coping with the serious illness of a child, providing respite breaks and the chance to have FUN. They already provide support, counselling, well-being and activities plus short breaks for parents and siblings who have lost a child and for children with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses and their families.
They are a home-grown charity with a small team working desperately hard to keep operating costs to a minimum and so they can plough all the funds they raise into supporting families and renovating the charity's forever home in Glossop - the more they raise, the more they can renovate and the more families they can support. 2019 will be an exciting year for them as they begin building their first physically therapeutic resources for life-limited children including a hydrotherapy pool and multi-functional sensory, movie, play & chill zone. Longer term plans include a tea room and four large self-contained apartments for families to enjoy short holidays and make precious memories.

For more information please visit https://www.reubensretreat.org/events/upcoming-events/
or call 01457 680 023.