Elizabeth Way & Company Funeral Direcors
'Our Family Caring For Yours'
Natural Funerals ~ A Greener Goodbye

Elizabeth Way can assist you to plan a Funeral to meet the needs of those who are concerned about the environment and who would like a spiritual and natural funeral celebration.
We can help you to arrange a woodland burial or other type of natural and peaceful service, using only naturally sourced products and recognising that nature often helps us to heal our raw emotions. We have a large knowldege base surrounding natural burials, woodland burials and cremations just ask for information and we will gladly help.
Death is a hugely important event in anybody's life. It deserves to be recognised as such, for a Funeral can never be repeated. We must ensure that it is a fitting tribute to the person who has died.
We can help you to plan a service with a truely natural feel and one which helps to nuture our environment.
We can help you to plan a home funeral, sometimes called a family-directed funeral or home-based funeral, that allows for some or all after-death care to be conducted by friends or family.
We have now obtained our membership (2012) to The Natural Death Centre and are one of their recommended funeral directors .

Elizabeth Way Family Funeral Service are the only funeral service in Tameside that are a member of the Association of Green Funeral Directors (AGFD) to offer Greener Funerals.
We are proud to follow their Code of Practice as we make the following specific pledges:
We do not carry out Embalming procedures as routine;
We have literature available giving eco-options for Funerals;
We have available a range of environmentally friendly coffins;
Our staff are knowledgeable about naturial burials;
Our staff have knowledge of environmentally friendly flower options.

Elizabeth Way can offer a service that makes having a greener funeral a lot easier. It enables you to make simple choices among a clear set of options for you to have the greener funeral you want.
* Choose from a range of eco-coffins, all with high environmental standards
* Arrange a natural memorial by planting, donating or sponsoring a tree.
* Ensure a greener funeral by converting the financial value of your funeral's carbon emissions into greater energy effciency - a postive community legacy.