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How we can help


Our role as your Funeral Director is one of service. We are able to conduct Funerals all over the country to meet your needs. 

Our family in common with all other families, has experienced the laughter, the  love and inevitably the loss that comes with being a family.

We have lost loved ones and have borne the pain and suffering that comes with that loss.

Because we are able to understand the feelings associated with bereavement, we try at all times to consider the feelings of our client families. Our practice comes from the heart.


We understand that Every Funeral is a personal reflection of the person who has died and their family's needs. We understand that everyone's needs are different so we take care to provide a unique experience for each family as they say farewell to their loved one and pay tribute to their life. We make sure that Funerals are family led and that they belong to you.


(The term ''Family'' is used throughout this website to refer to ''everyone'' who might benefit from the services it contains).


Because we understand, You can expect us to:

• Offer you all the advice and information you will need from registering the death, planning the funeral service and, after the funeral is over.

• Provide Nurturing Care for the person who has died ,carried out with tenderness and respect.

• Honour your values, beliefs, culture and faith.

• Help you with all your requests when planning the funeral of your choice from flowers, music, stationery, catering and any other individual requirements.

• Make all the necessary arrangements on your behalf without fuss or worry to you and to be available 24 hours a day.

• Stand beside you on the day of the funeral quietly taking care of the arrangements.

• Provide an estimate prior to the funeral service and an itemised receipt afterwards so that you know exactly what you have paid for and to offer a limited service to help you to keep the costs down.

• Be available to you after the day of the funeral, whenever you need us and to provide members of our own family to care for yours as you need them.



© 2019 Elizabeth Way & Company Funeral Directors                                                                                                  Part of Funeral Partners

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