Elizabeth Way & Company Funeral Direcors
'Our Family Caring For Yours'

Planning ahead for your own funeral can give you peace of mind. By buying a funeral plan, you will know that your family can turn to your arrangements at a distressing time, and will not have worries about the cost of your funeral.
We will arrange everything on your behalf. You can choose either to be buried or cremated, and you can note readings, hymns or other aspects of the funeral on your plan, so that your family will know your wishes.
Our plans are very flexible so you can simply let us know if you change your mind or would like to add new elements to the plan.
By choosing to plan ahead for your funeral, you’ll benefit from:
Peace of mind knowing that everything is taken care of in advance
The reassurance that your family won’t have to cope with any uncertainty or worries about your funeral arrangements
Saving money by fixing the cost of your funeral at today’s prices
Complete financial security - your money is held securely
A guarantee of nothing more to pay for the services within our control
Acceptance is guaranteed, regardless of age or state of health.
Request Info Pack
Our free brochure answers many of our customers' frequently asked questions and covers everything you need to know about our range of funeral plans and legal services, all designed to help save money and avoid stress in the future – for you and your family. To request a free brochure, please fill in your details below. Your brochure will be mailed out to you and should arrive within 5 working days.